Weight- 13.18 lbs 40th %
Height- 24.75 in 70th%

What Cora does at 4 months-
Holds her head up really really well
Pushes up on her arms when laying on her belly
Talks a lot
Likes to sit up and stand with assistance
Recognizes people she sees on a regular basis. Especially mom and dad. But will smile at most anyone!
Plays with her favorite toys and gets mad when they fall out of her sight or reach!
Always has something in her mouth! Toys, hands, bottle, paci at bed or nap, blankets, burp clothes...
Still sleeps through the night and takes great naps!
Likes to snuggle when she is tired.
Has auburn colored hair, dimples and the best smile ever!
Has moments of looking like daddy but looks more like momma for sure.