On Saturday Spencer and I went on a date to the Roloff Farms Pumpkin Patch
For those that don't make the connection The Roloff Family lives in Helvetia, OR. They have a show on TLC called "Little People, Big World"
Their family consists of 3 average size people and 3 LPs (Little people).
I enjoy watching the show and have always wanted to go to the pumpkin patch since it is so stinkin close to us.
Zach is one of the oldest boys. His twin is Jeremy. Obviously Zach is an LP but Jeremy is an average size guy.
If you watch the show you will recognize some of the pics coming up.
This is where the boys and molly play soccer
One of the many barns on their property

The pumpkin patch from the highest point on the farm
This is Molly's unfinished castle. Even unfinished it is amazing!
Myself and Matt Roloff!
Jeremy Roloff

Spencer and Matt!
We stood in line to meet Amy!
this is Dudley's Roost. He used to be a noisy rooster until they got him seven wives.
they just finished remodeling their house not to long ago. Its fabulous!
Matt races at PIR in this car. It is custom inside so that he can drive it perfectly.
We had a lot of fun at the Roloff Farm and plan to go back next year!
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