Unfortunately I was the picture taker on my birthday so we have no pictures of me, or Spence for that matter.
We went to Red Robin for lunch.

Pa and Julie came. Thanks for the Micheal's Gift Card. It didn't last long but I bought a lot of great scrapbooking stuff!

Ryon and Annie. Thank You for the Scrapbooking Paper. I love it. Thank you also for everything else you do for us on a daily basis. We love you guys and are grateful that you are still here in Oregon with us!

Danielle and Chris. Thank You for coming down and spending the weekend with us. We enjoyed it so much and I was especially glad I got to spend my birthday with you!
Mom Jensen. Thank you for coming to Oregon to visit. That was the best present you gave me. It makes Spence happy when you come and me as well. Thank You also for the MOD BODS and Sparkling Cider. I really enjoyed my SOBER 21st Birthday!

I know that I already posted this picture but it is so Dang cute I couldn't help but post it again!
My Birthday was fabulous this year! Lots of love and fun that day! I got to shop, shop, shop!
Thank You to everyone for the Birthday wishes!
We love the squishy face!!!!!!
Can she get any more precious? I don;t think it would be possible.
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