Thursday, July 2, 2009

Homemade laundry soap

Supplies Needed

1 Bar Fels Naptha Soap Bar

4 C. Hot Water

1 C. Washing Soda

1/2 C. Borax

10-15 drops Essential Oil/ 2 Gal. Laundry Soap (not needed unless you choose to add it)

1. Grate Fels Naptha Bar with cheese grater.

(Make sure to wash things well after making soap)

2. Add grated Fels Naptha Soap to 4 C. water

3. Heat on medium until Fels Naptha has dissovled. Stirring Constanly.

4. Fill 5 gal. bucket half full with hot tap water.

5. Pour in water and Fels Naptha solution, stir.

6. Mix together Washing Soda and Borax and add to liquid. Make sure powder dissolves completely.
7. Fill bucket with Hot Water to 5 gal. line, stir.
8. Put lid on, let sit overnight to cool.

9. After cooled, stir, add Essential Oil of your choice.

10. Put in used, clean Laundry soap dispenser. Fill HALF full and add water to fill container. (shake before each use as it will gel)

11. Be SO HAPPY that you just took one step closer to having a green home and saving tons of money!

Only 14.10 was spent on the supplies needed not including the bucket and lid.

Reciepe yeilds 10 Gals. Laundry Soap

Top Load Machine- 1 C.per load. I don't think you actually need to use that much for one load but let me try it out and I will get back to you.

Front Load Machine- 1/2 C. per load

We still have tons of left over Washing Soda and Borax so for a long time all we will need to buy is a Fels Naptha bar to make more laundry soap. Its going to take forever to use all that soap though!

I really recommend giving this recipe a try. It took about a half hour to make and will save you SOOO much money. It is also GREEN!

Recipe Courtesy of- The Duggar Family (TLC)

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