She was less than thrilled to be pokes but it's all for the better, in my opinion.
At two months old Cora weighed in at 10lbs 12oz putting her in the 46th percentile for weight and is 23.25 in long putting her in the 81st percentile for length. Long and slender, certainly didn't get that from momma.
Cora loves to kick her feet while she plays on her mat or even a blanket. She has discovered her hands and lives to suck on them, it's trumps the pacifier any day which is fine with me. We're working on getting the thumbs untucked from her fist so that she doesn't get frustrated when she sticks half her hand in and gags. Going cross-eyed to look at them is another favorite.
She enjoys long conversations with mom and dad and occasionally will put in her two cents. With momma she prefers to snuggle horizontally across my body and with daddy she likes to snuggle on his chest.
Her head and neck control is great and we work on tummy time each day. She'd much refer her back.

Cora is sleeping great right now. She will fall asleep between 11 and midnight and will sleep until 5 or so. She is a good napper once she gets to sleep. Most times she needs to be snuggled to do so.
Right now she sleeps in a bassinet in our room at night. During the day I try and have her take naps in her crib that way she will be used to it when I'm ready to make the transition to having her sleep in it at night.

On this day she would not go to sleep unless I was snuggling her. She would be out while I was holding her but as soon as I put her down she would be wide awake. I was laying where the blue and purple pillows are. She lasted maybe ten minutes once I got up.

I'm grateful to have this sweet, snuggly girl in my life!
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