She has a tendency to tuck her thumb in between her pointer and middle finger so it's hard to find. She will try for it and then move on to each finger with no success.

I was a thumb sucker. For. A. Long. Time. It's not something I'm opposed to doing, I actually encourage it because that means she is more self reliant. She is not a big pacifier baby but she does like it when she is sleepy. She doesn't care if she falls asleep without and doesn't wake up needing it in the middle of the night. It would be nice if she could just use her thumb for a pacifier though so I didn't have to carry one with me at all times.
With that said I hope she doesn't become dependent on it like I did. It was my comfort thing for a long time. I guess either way, thumb or pacifier, one can become "addicted"
And Brooky still does it!!! I heard Wes did for a long time too. It's all his fault! lol
Heather was a thumb sucker from about 2-9months and I think it is freekin' cute. Her grandma was very traumatized thinking she would be a six year old with a thumb still in her mouth, but it was not the case at all. I say encourage anything that gives her comfort.
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