Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th Of July Camping Trip

Out of no where we decided we wanted to go camping for the 4th of July weekend.
We had no camping stuff (including a tent) so we had to go shoppin for it all .
We left our house at 7:30 on Thursday morning. Got gas. Ate at McDonalds (I felt so sick after eating it. YUCK!) and we were on the road to the Oregon Beaches (Seaside to be exact).

The first use of our new tent.
Stakes in ^

Poles in ^
Sides out ^

Rainfly on ^
Bed blown up and blankets in place ^

Tons of extra room for all our camping stuff ^

Our little campground ^

We LOVE our new tent.

It sprinkled the first night we were there and rained pretty good the second and we never got wet. We stayed really warm and cozy!

Campground provided by Circle Creek Campground.

We don't really recommend you stay here. It served its purpose for us but next time we want something more secluded and forest like. Circle creek is a huge tent field with no trees so unless you have some sort of cover you can't be outside of your tent and not get wet when it is raining.

You can also here every stinkin' word your neighbors say! No sleeping in for us, or going to bed early for that matter!

We did really enjoy our trip together though. We loved being able to do whatever and not have worry about getting back to anything. No schedule was great! It was fabulous to be just the two of us with no work and only play!

1 comment:

Rebecca McAllister said...

So fun! Take advantage of those fun little get-aways while you can. Nothing is ever spontanious again after the babies start coming!