Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Funny Story...

Spencer and I went on Monday night to return our uhaul that we had just rented for the day. I drove in my car behind him to the uhaul drop-off.
I got there a minute or two after him because we went different ways. (I guess I wasn't really follwing then huh?)
Anyway, just before I got there he had dropped his key in the slot and came back over to get his jacket and helmet from the truck (we were going to pick up his bike from there). When I arrived he was freaking because he locked the door on the truck (he swears he specifically remembers leaving it unlocked) and couldn't get his key back. He tried and tried the doors and yep they sure were locked. So then I tried while he went to reach his arm in the slot to see if he could reach his key. We are probably pretty lucky no one saw us, might have been a bad situation.
He almost got the key but couldn't quite reach. Last resort is to call the u-haul help line. I went over to another truck (that was parked right next to the one with the locked doors), looked in the window, saw the gear, opened the UNLOCKED door and said "Spencer you were trying to open the door on the wrong truck!"
The whole time he was trying to open the door on a truck that had been dropped off earlier and was parked next to him.
We had a good laugh as the operater on the help line answered and Spencer didn't know what to say because he felt like a dork!
On our way back Spencer says to me without me even saying anything about doing so "You can't blog about this."
My response "I can't? I was going to and title it Spencer's dumb moment of the year."
Laughing Spencer "Okay, yeah you have to."
Hope you got a little laugh.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome Home Honey...

The time has come yet again for us to move.
Here are some pictures of our new apartment.

Living room^
Living Room Gas Fireplace and Built-ins.

One Car Garage

Bedroom closet. Nice and big and it has built in shelving at different heights.
We have a patio off of our bedroom.
View of bedroom from doorway.
It is a small room but will serve its purpose.
look at the great, open kitchen with the fabulous valuted ceilings and tons of cupboard space!

Entry way from the bottom.
Entry way from the top.
Little but nice bathroom.
Even though I never take a bath I was kinda bummed about the stall shower.
oh yes and what a lovely picture this is. Me in my jammies and the toilet! Thanks Spence.

This apartment complex is another thing that has stood out in my life in earlier times and is now going to be a huge part of it. When we first moved to Beaverton I saw these apts and wondered about them. What were they called? How do you get into them? So on and so forth. Well now I know.

We are excited to move in and start fresh. Hopefully we can make this one last through school. Slim chances though. This will be the 6th place we have lived in our two years of marriage, none of which we have lived in longer than 6 months except for Spencer's parents house.

An update!

We are doing really well these days.

Spence is on a month long break from school before Fall term starts. We just got our reward letter for financial aid and Spencer couldn't be happier that he has been reinstated and is finally getting money again to help with school.
He is somewhat enjoying his job at Motosport but it is really slow and doesn't bring to much in financially. Our hope is that with financial aid coming he can just quit and go to school full-time. We will see though.
I am still at my nanny job. I really enjoy it and have loved getting to know the family. Other than work my life is pretty much consumed by Weight Watchers. Annie and I are pretty deep in competition right now. It has changed from whoever loses more by Novemeber 1st to more of a weekly point system. We get points for different things we do throughout the day such as exercising, staying within our points, drinking water, etc. Whoever has more points by November 1st will be awarded with 200.00! Woohoo!
As you can see we are preparing to go to the Temple. It is on our minds a lot these days and we are very excited about it. I have all of our announcements ready for mailing I just need the pictures to put inside. COMING SOON TO A MAILBOX NEAR YOU! Hehe! :)
Oh and we are moving, AGAIN! They are raising the rent and requiring us to get renters insurance now. Although Canyon Park is a wonderful place to live it is too expensive for the space you get.
We have found a new apt. in the Garden Home area and are really excited about it. It is one bedroom with a garage and gas fireplace! It is going to be super nice during the winter because we can heat our whole apt. with the fireplace and they pay the gas bill! We are having to sell a lot of our furniture just because the layout doesn't work so well with our monsterous stuff! I will post more about it as soon as I get some pics.
We celebrated our two year anniversary in July and finally went yesterday to take pics to document the occassion. I love JCP Portraits but they were pushin it yesterday. We had to wait for over an hour past our scheduled sitting just to get into the studio. Then once done actually getting good pics we had to wait another 30-45 min just to view them. Oh of course the computers had to go out right when they were ready for us to view! Needless to say I was not pleased.
We also had a date planned for that night and had to miss the latter part of it which was going to the drive in to watch the ORIGINAL GREASE! I was so bummed. This was the first date Spence had planned in a long time and I was so excited for it, we did get to spend the rest of the evening at the Temple though. I will post soon with our new Two yr. anniversary pictures!
Nothing else new really. We hope every one is doing well!
Thanks for checking in on us!
Love Sara

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I was so FAT!

I was amazed when I saw this picture while posting others tonight and just had to blog about this.
Pictured above is my Bestfriend Tessa and I on our (Spencer and I) wedding day.
Below is me pictued today in my wedding dress.

Do you see a difference?

I sure do!

I have tried on my dress a couple times in the last few weeks just to see how it fits me because I will be wearing it to the Temple soon. I never realized until looking at the first picture how snug my dress fit before.

I am so pleased to say that after two years I can still fit into my wedding dress and even more pleased that I feel like I am drowning in it when I do wear it.

It is probably the most rewarding thing so far to see the difference in these two pictures.

Gone! Finally GONE!

Spencer bought this car just before we got married and while it lasted it was a good car but I am so GLAD its gone!
We put so much money into it and it continued to need fixing so it was just one of those things that we didn't really care what we got for it as long as we didn't have to deal with it anymore.
Just thought I would share the excitement with you!

I Love to see the Temple!

I love to see the temple.
I’m going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God, A place of love and beauty.
I’ll prepare myself while I am young; This is my sacred duty.
I love to see the temple.
I’ll go inside someday.
I’ll cov’nant with my Father;I’ll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth: A fam’ly is forever.

Spencer and I have not been through the temple yet but have found that we LOVE going and walking around. We LOVE chatting by the reflection pool and taking in the beauty.

Growing up I can remember several late nights coming home from my Aunts house with my Dad and Sister and seeing the Temple as we drove up I-5.

I was not a member at the time but I can so vividly remember what it looked like and I always wondered what it was. I have noticed that this happens often in my life. (I see something earlier in my life that sticks out and it becomes a very big part of my life later on.)

Spencer and I decided that we will take Trisa's advice and go as much as possible even before we have our recommends.

Since moving closer to the Temple it has always boggled my mind that such a beautiful and Holy place is in the middle of such a unclean city. To have something that grand so close to us is such a blessing!

We are so excited to go through the Temple and enjoy its beauty even more!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our Journey to The Temple...

This weekend Spencer's Mom, Billie, came into town from Kansas.

We had the opportunity to go to the Portland Temple and Beehive Store with her on Friday to purchase the things we will need for the temple.

While there we took the opportunity to snap some photos to remember our journey to the temple!

Spencer and I were very excited to get the things we would need and it made the temple even more of a reality.

We will be attending the temple in November (exactly 8 wks. from Wednesday!) while we are on a week long vacation with Spencer's family in KS.

We will be going to the Oklahoma City, OK Temple as it is the closest one to his family.

I get more and more excited the closer we get.
Spencer and I have waited so long to go the temple and I was a little emotional during RS today while singing Families can be Together Forever.
It is getting more and more real that we will be Together Forever with our children!
Anyhoo, hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to share our journey with you!