Monday, March 23, 2009

The Temple.... Families are together forever!

A better understanding.
The Temple is a wonderful and magnificent place. A house of God. A place to learn of the Plan of Salvation and be closer to our Heavenly Father. The ordinances performed within those sacred walls bind families together in the eternities. Even after this life we are bound together by those sacred ordinances, as family. Death is not the end, only the begining of forever!
Spencer and I are grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for Temples all over the world. For the great blessings that we recieve for holding Temple Recommends and for the greater understanding that we have of the gospel and life and death because of the temple.
We should all have faith in the Lord and his plan for each of us. Hold a current Temple Recommend and visit the temple often.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cedar Baby!

Uncle Spencer gave C a mohawk with bubbles from the tub.

C was a sick little baby in these pictures.
Now remember what Auntie Sara said baby. No Walking while you are gone! No big words either!
Sleep through the night for your momma so she can sleep peacefully in a bed all by herself!
Love you Baby! See you soon (not soon enough)!

We miss you Tanner!

Uncle Spencer misses wrestling with you! I miss your hugs and kisses!

Oh and your silly outfits!
Love you Tan!
We hope you are having tons of fun at Grandma and Grandma Neslen's house!

Which Animal Am I?

A cow? A snake? A monkey? or a Lizard?


Maybe I am all of them.

(sorry it is sideways)

Brady loves to make animal noises. He doesn't know many words but can obviously imitate a lot of animals.

The Chicken (not shown) "bok, bok, bok" used to be my favorite. That was until Presley taught him how to do the Lizard.

Such a cute boy. I love him.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blog Slacking!

So sorry for the blogging absense!
My computer still won't let me upload pictures from home so I have to wait until we go somewhere else. Once we get to that place I have to remember to do it.
Well I finally did. Hopefully we will have the problem fixed this week!

Valentine's Day 09

A new tradition!
Heart Shaped Pancakes for Valentine's Day breakfast.

We had a fun day together. Spencer and I got eachother small presents because our big present was a TV that we bought with our tax returns.

Tanner came to spend the night with us on the 13th so on Valentine's Day morning he could go with us to pick up Grandma Jensen from the airport.We had just bought our new TV from Costco so we bought Tanner "Horton Hears a Who" to watch while he was over and then wrapped it after he went to bed and gave it to him for Valentine's Day!

Sacked Out!

While Mom Jensen came to visit we all stayed at Ryon and Annie's for the weekend.
Danielle and Chris came from Washington with Baby Payten.
We came just a short distance from SW Portland.

If you can't tell Payten was up a good amount of the night and we all were pretty tired the next day. Mom, Annie, and I went to Relief Society which started at 10:30 and when we returned an hour later they were still sleeping! It was definitely a lounge around the house nap day.

My 21st Birthday!

Unfortunately I was the picture taker on my birthday so we have no pictures of me, or Spence for that matter.

We went to Red Robin for lunch.

Pa and Julie came. Thanks for the Micheal's Gift Card. It didn't last long but I bought a lot of great scrapbooking stuff!

Ryon and Annie. Thank You for the Scrapbooking Paper. I love it. Thank you also for everything else you do for us on a daily basis. We love you guys and are grateful that you are still here in Oregon with us!

Danielle and Chris. Thank You for coming down and spending the weekend with us. We enjoyed it so much and I was especially glad I got to spend my birthday with you!

Mom Jensen. Thank you for coming to Oregon to visit. That was the best present you gave me. It makes Spence happy when you come and me as well. Thank You also for the MOD BODS and Sparkling Cider. I really enjoyed my SOBER 21st Birthday!
I know that I already posted this picture but it is so Dang cute I couldn't help but post it again!

My Birthday was fabulous this year! Lots of love and fun that day! I got to shop, shop, shop!

Thank You to everyone for the Birthday wishes!


The last time I blogged about Miss Cedar was and
She is getting so big now! Almost one year old. I can't believe it!

She is so sweet and very happy most of the time.

We love you so much Baby Cedar!