Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hoping, Praying, Wishing... Waiting...

Spencer and I have begun the process of applying for an Apartment Managing Job!

It is a local ten unit complex. We will still be in the same ward.

We can both work full-time while managing. We will have light maintenance duties. Everything that is heavy maintenance will be paid extra for or we can call the maintenance crew. Using my house cleaning experience we will get paid for turn overs if we choose to do them.

So it all sounds great, right? Well here is the best part.

My nanny contract ends in September and I am going back to school. We were a little worried about finances because I wasn't going to be working. With this job we could both be enrolled in school full-time and not work at all! It would be so FABULOUS!

We know that this is all in the Lord's hands and we have done our part and handed the decision making over to him. Spencer interviewed with the owner and his assistant yesterday and said it went really well. After the interview we were emailed contracts and background check forms and given a "you will probably get the job." They are waiting for the check to come back all clear and would still like to meet me. So, even though I hate a probably answer (as most probably do) because it kinda leaves you hanging, I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us the next month or so.

On another note. Spencer finished Winter Term at PCC a couple weeks ago and passed all his classes with an A! I am so proud of him and how dedicated he is to his schooling and making our future better.

So anyhoo, Keep us in your prayers please!\
We will keep you updated.

Love You All


Rebecca McAllister said...

I'll keep you in my prayers...this sounds perfect! where is it?

Nicole said...

Sounds like an adventure! Can't wait to hear more. Thanks for the invite.

Annie said...

Any news? Any news? I am hoping and praying for you! Keep us posted!