Sunday, April 6, 2008

In Love!

I am SO in love with this sweet baby girl!

Valerie is my niece and she will be turning one this month.
I have my nieces and nephew over everyone once and a while to stay the night and she sleeps in our bed. When she first gets here she is scared of Spence but as you can see she becomes pretty comfortable with him. I ask Spence " Does she make you want a baby?" His response "She makes me want the money to afford a baby." HE HAS BABY FEVER WHEN SHE IS AROUND! I cannot wait to have these sweet moments with our babies!
Well I just had to tell you how in love I am with this cutie!


Rebecca McAllister said...

Precious. You do you need your own sweet baby so you don't have to keep borowing (babysitting) everyone elses! (but then what would I Do????)

what kind of a name is abra said...

I lurve babies too. THey have the best sweet cheeks. Where were you when my kids were little??!! Oh, yeah, a baby too......teehee.