Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Wonder...

So lately I wonder why things happen the way they do. I know that Heavenly Father has a part in it but why do others choose to live their life the way they do?

A couple of my what were friends in highschool are getting married and having babies. Well one is not married, 19 and having a baby and the other is 18 and was prego when she got married.

I wonder, what are these girls thinking?

The one who just married comes from an LDS family and went inactive about the time I was baptized, two years ago. It is so sad to me! What wonderful blessings her new family will miss out on. I feel for her family, she is the youngest of 5 girls, 3 of which have been married and sealed in the temple and have babies and one who is doing good for herself in other ways.

I wonder, do they know how hard marriage is with just the two of you?

Now I know that some couples don't face the challenges we have but it is still hard. You are figuring out life and eachother. Why does a baby need to be in that mix?

I also wonder why the couples (like us) who want children so badly cannot have them but these young teenagers that know nothing about life can. I know I am not much older but my life has been very different from theirs and I was forced to grow up and take care of myself at a young age.

I just pray for these girls and their boyfriends or husbands or whatever they are. I pray that they will be able to take care of these sweet babies that they have been blessed with and not resent them because they don't get to experience life or marriage before they arrive.

We are firm believers in Heavenly Father blessing us with Children when he knows we are ready but we also want to be financially stable and have some schooling done in order to take care of one of his children.

Heavenly Father has a wonderful plan for each one of us and I just hope that these girls can see that and do what is right for themselves and their children.

Okay, I'm done now. Sorry. That has been bothering me soooo much!


PerryParty3 said...

My sister (18 months older)went through the same thing. We had a lot of LDS friends that got prego durring their teenage years and a few non LDS that got pregnant before they got married. Then she wasn't able to have kids for 5 years. It was the hardest thing for her. They were months away from adopting their first baby when she found out she was pregnant. Now, she's popping them out! :) IT is sad to see a friend's life not be what it could be. ON the bright side, many of these inactive girls, after going through the struggle of parenthood and marriage, have come back to the church. I think theyhad there wild moements and then it really hit home the reason why they are here at all. Just continue to be a good example to them..they'll need it more now than ever!

what kind of a name is abra said...

Totally understand those feelings. My 15 year old cousin just had a baby, she's a freshman in high school. SAD. Trisa is right about you being the great example. You almost sound like you guys can't have kids?? Or are you waiting? You are right about marriage being hard enough to figure out. I have a whole story about that (are you surprised??!!) so we definitly need to hang out.

Rebecca McAllister said...

This phase of your life won't last forever...we had three years of infertility and my heart ACHED for a baby. You know the rest of THAT story! When that sweet baby does come into your family, he or she will come into a love and stability and security that few babies these days are blessed with. I just know Heavenly Father has some pretty incredible spirits just waiting to call you mommy.

Sara and Spencer said...

Just so everyone knows. as far as we know we can have babies but are waiting for financial and schooling reasons.

That blog would probably be a lot longer if I couldn't have my own babies!

courtney said...

Yay I found your blog! And I know what you mean by waiting to have babies because of school and financial reasons.. Also I'm scared.. :)

Shawn and Tasha said...

You have such a clear perspective. Isn't it great to know what we know about families, marriage, children being an inheritance of the Lord, eternity, and so on! I think it is the hardest when it is someone you love so much that once knew these things (and probably still does, but just needs to be reminded again and again) act as though they know nothing at all about choices and consequences. And, some times they just seem like it doesn't matter & it's only going to hurt them when in reality it is hurting EVERYONE around them. Some times the only thing and best thing we can do it to pray for them & continue to give them lots of love.

From what I can see already about you two, you're going to be awesome parents some day!:-) I'm really excited to get to know you better, but you're not allowed to move like everyone else is, okay?:-)

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